Reliance on solid fuels for cooking is an indicator of energy poverty. Access to modern energy services - including electricity and clean fuels - is important for achieving the Millennium Development Goals...
Carbon capture and storage (CCS) could have significant impact as a carbon mitigation technology in greenhouse gas- (GHG-) emitting industries. Given the nascence of CCS technology, with only eight large-scale...
The report is structured in two parts. Part one focuses on describing why providing transmission services for renewable energy represents a new challenge, as well as reviewing some of the approaches different...
Concentrating solar thermal (CST) technologies have a clear potential for scaling up renewable energy at the utility level, thereby diversifying the generation portfolio mix, powering development, and...
In the early 1990s, developing countries started to introduce different incentives to promote renewable energy investments, especially feed-in tariff policies. Today, more than 30 developing countries...
The Strategic Framework for Development and Climate Change (SFDCC) approved in 2008 guides and supports the operational response of the World Bank Group (WBG) to new development challenges posed by climate...
This paper broadly follows the structure of the World Bank's Operational Guidance Note (OGN) for Public and Private Roles in the Supply of Electricity Services. Following the overview in chapter 1, the...
The paper presents one of the first systematic attempts at defining workable regulatory systems that will help rather than hinder electrification with emphasis on off-grid electrification. It does this...
This report begins by examining the characteristics and relative merits of living standards measurement studies (LSMS) and specialized household energy surveys. It then reviews the types of questions currently...
This Bank framework is motivated by the Athens memorandum and the Treaty whereby countries in South East Europe have agreed to form a regional power market in South East Europe. It outlines challenges...
By examining the broad range of variations in design and implementation of energy trading models around the world, our evaluation showed that sometimes the pure Single Buyer is actually the only alternative...
The discussion paper recounts the background to the Independent Private Power (IPP) program, describes the "orderly framework" developed by the Bank Group for the IPP workout, and concludes with several...
This Bank framework is motivated by the Athens Memorandum establishing a South East Europe Regional Energy Market (SEEREM). The aim is to outline challenges for successful SEEREM implementation, and to...
Most government-owned utilities in developing countries perform poorly when judged as providers of electricity, in part because politicians and officials use their power, not to encourage the utilities...
An important, but often ignored, regulatory issue in developing and developed countries is the pass through of power purchase costs for distribution companies. It is important because power purchase costs...
The objective of this paper is to explain how foreign exchange risk affects power and water infrastructure projects, to analyze the effectiveness of mechanisms that have been used to mitigate foreign exchange...
The survey results show that despite the decline in private investment in developing countries, international investors remain guardedly interested in these markets and would prefer to see adequate cash...
In many developing countries, both governments and investors have expressed disappointment with the performance of recently privatized electricity distribution companies. Governments complain that tariffs...
This paper outlines how a World Bank Partial Risk Guarantee (PRG) may be used to promote private sector investment in electricity distribution utilities. The paper explains how a PRG could backstop a government...
This paper describes the World Bank Group's strategic perspective on three particularly important challenges related to the supply and use of energy in the new century: economic growth and poverty reduction;...