This report presents the results of the Service Delivery Indicators in the education sector in Niger in 2015. Survey implementation was preceded by extensive consultation with Government and key stakeholders...
Les indicateurs de prestation de services (IPS) fournissent un ensemble de mesures visant à déterminer la performance en matière de prestation de services. En Afrique subsaharienne, l'objectif général...
Implementation of the ten-year strategy, that is, the programme décennal de développement du secteur de l’education (PDDE), formulated by the Government of Niger at the beginning of the last decade and...
The Service Delivery Indicators (SDI) provide a set of metrics for benchmarking service delivery performance in education and health. The overall objective of the indicators is to gauge the quality of...
An service delivery indicators (SDI) team visited 473 primary schools, assessed 2,130 teachers for knowledge, followed 2,475 teachers for absence, and tested 3,960 grade 4 pupils across Madagascar. The...
Niger’s sharp declines in neonatal and infant mortality since 1960s has raised the nation’s life expectancy at birth from 37 years in 1960 to 58.4 years in 2010 placing the country slightly above the Sub-Saharan...
An service delivery indicators (SDI) team visited 473 primary schools, assessed 2,130 teachers for knowledge, followed 2,475 teachers for absence, and tested 3,960 grade 4 pupils across Madagascar. The...
The Service Delivery Indicators (SDI) provide a set of metrics for benchmarking service delivery performance in education and health. The overall objective of the indicators is to gauge the quality of...
This graduation approach focuses on helping the poorest and most vulnerable households develop sustainable livelihoods, increase incomes, and move out of extreme poverty. It consists of a carefully sequenced...
This graduation approach focuses on helping the poorest and most vulnerable households develop sustainable livelihoods, increase incomes, and move out of extreme poverty. It consists of a carefully sequenced...
This graduation approach focuses on helping the poorest and most vulnerable households develop sustainable livelihoods, increase incomes, and move out of extreme poverty. It consists of a carefully sequenced...
Tanzania has registered impressive progress in its education sector over the past decade or so. Completion rates in primary increased from 55 percent in 2000 to 80 percent in 2012. Tanzania has also achieved...
Tanzania has made some phenomenal gains in recent years. For example, the infant mortality rate has fallen by an average 3.2 percent per year, the fastest rate of decline among 20 countries in the region...
Tanzania has registered impressive progress in its education sector over the past decade or so. Completion rates in primary increased from 55 percent in 2000 to 80 percent in 2012. Tanzania has also achieved...
Tanzania has made some phenomenal gains in recent years. For example, the infant mortality rate has fallen by an average 3.2 percent per year, the fastest rate of decline among 20 countries in the region...
Mozambique is poised to meet the MDG goal of 100 percent primary education enrollment. The achievement will have limited impact if the quality of the education that pupil has access to is lacking. Education...
Mozambique is poised to meet the MDG goal of 100 percent primary education enrollment. The achievement will have limited impact if the quality of the education that pupil has access to is lacking. Education...
The Service Delivery Indicators (SDI) initiative provides a set of metrics for benchmarking service delivery performance in education and health in Africa. These metrics fall into the following three categories...
The indicators, which were piloted in Tanzania, provide a set of metrics to benchmark the performance of schools and health clinics in Africa. The indicators can be used to track progress within and across...