The objective of this assessment is to identify gender and social inclusion gaps with respect to equitable access to clean and modern energy in the Horn of Africa (HoA) borderlands, specifically in Djibouti...
Croatian firms in clean tech value chains demonstrate limited integration within the domestic economy and rely heavily on foreign suppliers, with only 25 percent of their supplier network being domestic...
This report shows that Romania has the potential to become a significant player in the EU’s green value chains but needs to address its weaknesses to fully capitalize on the opportunities. Firm network...
This report aims to provide an overview of potential opportunities to participate in clean tech value chains, using new and evolving analytical tools from the World Bank Group that may help inform national...
Following an unprecedented tightening cycle that avoided deep recession and widespread job losses, the EU economy appears poised for a "soft landing" with inflation nearing target levels. In 2023, EU growth...
Bulgarian firms in clean tech value chains demonstrate limited integration within the domestic economy and rely heavily on foreign suppliers, with only 25 percent of their supplier network being domestic...
This report, "Water Security and Climate Change: Insights from Country Climate and Development Reports," examines the crucial role of water in addressing climate change, drawing insights from the World...
The Climate Support Facility (CSF) 2024 Annual Report showcases the progress and results achieved in supporting over 110 countries to accelerate climate action, strengthen enabling environments, and boost...
The economies of the Western Balkans (WB6) continue to navigate a complex operating environment, and despite experiencing a moderate acceleration in growth, uncertainty remains high. This year, the region...
This Toolkit is intended to assist World Bank Energy and Safeguards teams with analyzing E&S risks in the off-grid solar sector and adopting appropriate safeguards. This Toolkit will help project teams...
In its Business Plan FY25-30, Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP) aims to support client countries on three overarching objectives: (i) ensure universal access to affordable, reliable...
Card enabled payment service providers (PSPs) exist in Uzbekistan such as CLICK and UPAY. Very few banks have mobile banking application for retail customers. However, some PSPs have web portals and mobile...
Currently, 5 mobile money solutions are offered in Tanzania. The telecom sector has dramatically improved access through mobile money. Over 40 percent of mobile money subscribers are active on a 90-day...
The Turkish financial sector is highly advanced. However, stakeholders appear less driven to promote accesfinancis to financial services other than payment services. Currently all major banks and 2 of...
The Ethiopian government, through Ethio telecom, often imposes nationwide, politically motivated internet filtering. Under a 2012 law regulating the telecommunication industry, attempts by journalists...
Currently 6 mobile money solutions are in place in Cambodia. One 3rd party processor, one bank and 4 MFI solutions are available in the market. While there is some regulation in place it is not fully integrated...
The World Bank’s (WB’s) multi-donor trust fund (MDTF) to Advance Universal Health Coverage (Advance UHC) supports developing countries to advance towards universal health coverage (UHC) while effectively...
In spring 2024, the World Bank and the African Development Bank made a bold commitment: the two organizations are partnering to provide 300 million more people in Sub-Saharan Africa with electricity by...
Reflecting on the past year, the urgency of building resilient communities and systems has never been clearer. The world continues to face unprecedented challenges, from the intensifying impacts of climate...
The Somalia Multi-Partner Fund (MPF) was established in 2013 to support government led state building (at both federal and state levels), economic growth, and urban development, as well as to help normalize...