Ratings for the Andhra Pradesh District Poverty Initiatives Project for India were as follows: outcomes were satisfactory, the risk to development outcome was moderate, the Bank performance was satisfactory...
Ratings for the Andhra Pradesh Rural Poverty Reduction Project for India were as follows: outcomes were highly satisfactory, the risk to development outcome was moderate, the Bank performance was satisfactory...
The objective of the Second Additional Financing for the Andhra Pradesh Rural Poverty Reduction Project for India is to enable the rural poor, particularly the poorest of the poor, in Andhra Pradesh improve...
The objective of the Second Additional Financing for the Andhra Pradesh Rural Poverty Reduction Project for India is to enable the rural poor, particularly the poorest of the poor, in Andhra Pradesh improve...
One job per poor rural family. This is the goal of the Employment Generation & Marketing Mission (EGMM), which was established in 2005 by the Andhra Pradesh Rural Poverty Reduction Program (APRPRP). Andhra...
The objective of the Second Additional Financing for the Andhra Pradesh (AP) Rural Poverty Reduction Project for India is to enable the rural poor households, particularly the poorest households in AP...
Rice is a staple food for people in Andhra Pradesh, who buy most of it (70 percent) on the open market and get the balance (30 percent) from the Public Distribution System (PDS). Statistics show that the...
Small and marginal farmers in rural Andhra Pradesh have been subject to intensive exploitation by moneylenders, traders, and middlemen. Lack of access to the market, lack of power to negotiate prices due...
On July 10, 2007, the World Bank today approved US65 million dollars in additional financing to Andhra Pradesh Rural Poverty Reduction Project, a program that has improved the lives of some 5.7 million...
This Project Paper on the Additional Credit to India for the Andhra Pradesh Rural Poverty Reduction Project seeks the approval of the Executive Directors to provide an Additional Credit to India for the...
This paper includes the following headings: challenge, approach, results, IDA contribution, partners, and next steps.
This paper includes the following headings: challenge, approach, results, IDA contribution, partners, and next steps.
This paper includes the following headings: challenge, approach, results, IDA contribution, partners, and next steps.
The objective of the Making Globalization Work for the Rural Poor in India is to help the poor communities to set up and strengthen their own self-managed grassroot cluster levelinstitutions to access...