The main objective of this project is to collect household data for the ongoing assessment and monitoring of the socioeconomic impacts of COVID-19 on households and family businesses in Vietnam.
This report documents and explores the early economic impacts of COVID-19 (coronavirus) on households and businesses in Vietnam, leveraging unique information collected by the World Bank COVID-19 household...
The world economic growth has been stagnant although many countries have extended fiscal support packages as well as maintained an expansionary monetary policy. The World Bank data shows that economic...
Việt Nam đã đạt được những bước phát triển vượt bậc trong 30 năm qua. Các cải cách kinh tế và chính trị đã thúc đẩy tăng trưởng kinh tế nhanh chóng, biến một trong những quốc gia nghèo nhất thế giới thành...
Vietnam has achieved remarkable development over the past 30 years. Economic and political reforms have spurred rapid economic growth, transforming what was then one of the world’s poorest nations into...
Chiến lược phát triển của Việt Nam đòi hỏi phải nâng cấp khẩn cấp. Tăng trưởng trong quá khứ rất ấn tượng. Nhưng khi môi trường trong nước và quốc tế thuận lợi thay đổi, tăng trưởng trong tương lai phải...
Chiến lược phát triển của Việt Nam đòi hỏi phải nâng cấp khẩn cấp. Tăng trưởng trong quá khứ rất ấn tượng. Nhưng khi môi trường trong nước và quốc tế thuận lợi thay đổi, tăng trưởng trong tương lai phải...
Chiến lược phát triển của Việt Nam đòi hỏi phải nâng cấp khẩn cấp. Tăng trưởng trong quá khứ rất ấn tượng. Nhưng khi môi trường trong nước và quốc tế thuận lợi thay đổi, tăng trưởng trong tương lai phải...
Vietnam’s development strategy requires an urgent upgrade. Past growth has been impressive. But as a favorable domestic and international environment changes, future growth must be productivity, driven...
Vietnam’s development strategy requires an urgent upgrade. Past growth has been impressive. But as a favorable domestic and international environment changes, future growth must be productivity, driven...
Vietnam’s development strategy requires an urgent upgrade. Past growth has been impressive. But as a favorable domestic and international environment changes, future growth must be productivity, driven...
The note identifies the major causes behind the recent phenomenon of slow disbursement in Vietnam. The emphasis is placed on regulatory and procedural changes that went into effect in and after 2015, when...
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming well developed in Vietnam; however, Vietnamese experts who have worked in other countries say that it has significant margins for improvement. UTS has established...
The primary determinants of a national innovation system are: (1) country’s endowments, and (2) how government and industry leverage those endowments for development, under (3) the given environments...
Lessons learned from this report includes: input-driven growth not sustainable in the long run, productivity and innovation required to drive growth; productivity improvement, three levels of intervention...
This report is about financial liberalization. It is the process of reducing legal controls on capital movements in and out of a country: foreign investors access to domestic assets and markets, reflected...
Developing human resources with the knowledge and skills needed by industry should be prioritized to achieve a technology-driven economy: the educational system must emphasize vocational training.; and...
This report includes: what is global value chain? What makes GVCS special? Countries participate in different ways; and breaking into manufacturing GVCS boosts income growth.
This report includes: overall Vietnam is measured to have good rule of law for its income level and attracts large amount of FDI; however, domestically financed investment is low and the private sector...
Vietnam has done a remarkable job of investing in Infrastructure. Vietnam needs to sustain current levels of spending in Infrastructure to meet increased demand from critical infrastructure sectors like...