The gender “digital divide” exacerbates gender gaps in labor participation. Digital jobs can provide a transformational opportunity to close the gender gap by increasing young women’s access to earnings...
Rapidly changing technologies are disrupting labor markets, calling for new skills and strengthening social protection systems. Technological progress can provide opportunities to create new jobs, increase...
Better jobs outcomes in fragile, conflict and violence (FCV) situations are critical for ending poverty. Since jobs and stability are linked, public investment in jobs support is particularly justified...
Worldwide, women face inferior job and income opportunities compared to men. High-quality skills training can improve labor market outcomes, yet women are less likely to participate in and graduate from...
This Jobs Solutions Note is intended to identify practical solutions for development practitioners and policymakers to design and implement policies and programs for the labor market integration of refugees...
This Jobs Note is a result of collaboration between S4YE-Jobs Group and Rand Corporation (an S4YE partner) . It builds on research covering the three countries with the highest concentration of Syrian...
Refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs) often struggle to integrate the labor market. Even where they have the unrestricted right to work their labor market outcomes lag behind those of other...
This Jobs Solutions Note identifies approaches for development practitioners and policymakers to better integrate poor smallholders into agricultural value chains. Based on curated knowledge and evidence...
This Jobs Solutions Note identifies practical solutions for development practitioners to proactively integrate gender inclusion in digital jobs programs. Based on curated knowledge and evidence for a specific...
This Jobs Solutions Note identifies practical solutions for development practitioners to design and implement skills training programs that improve outcomes for women. Based on curated knowledge and evidence...
This Jobs Solutions Note identifies approaches for practitioners and policymakers to proactively adapt policies and development programs to accelerated technological change. Based on curated knowledge...
This Jobs Solutions Note identifies practical solutions for development practitioners and policymakers to design and implement policies and programs that improve jobs outcomes for in FCV contexts. Based...
This paper is a work-in-progress and was developed to advance our thinking on how to make Jobs Diagnostics more strategic and to explore how guidance can best bridge the link from jobs analysis through...
A Jobs diagnostic is the first analytic step in an operational framework designed to help countries achieve inclusive economic growth through faster growth in labor incomes. Created for IDA countries under...