A challenging macroeconomic situation, limited fiscal space, and extreme poverty constrain governments’ capacity to increase investments in education and other critical sectors. While the overall fiscal...
The World Bank is by far the largest donor for education in developing countries. It currently manages a portfolio of 180 projects worth US$23.3 billion and accounting for eight percent of total World...
On October 9, 2015, the International Finance Corporation (IFC) Board of Governors adopted resolution number two hundred and sixty two. It was resolved that, the Boards of Governors of the World Bank Group...
A major challenge faced by governments everywhere is the reform of finance of higher education (HE) in response to pressures of rising private demand for HE and heavily constrained public budgets. Recent...
This study marks a first attempt to conduct a comprehensive assessment of public and private financing for education and training in the structure of an education sector accounts framework. Drawing on...
This study is part of a series of education country status reports (CSRs) that are being prepared by Bank staff in collaboration with national teams from various Sub-Saharan countries. The immediate objective...
This news release, dated May 27, 1998, announces the World Bank approved a United States (U.S.) 100 million dollars credit for Ethiopia’s Education Sector Development Program. The credit will support the...
Over the next 20 years the demand for education will rise considerably in Latin America, because of population growth and increasing enrollment ratios. The demand for higher education will rise especially...
This paper discusses the practice and problems associated with the financing of education in federal political systems as a way of highlighting issues involved in the diversification of the sources of...
Although education in Latin America is a highly profitable investment, the present financial crisis puts constraints on the amount of resources available for investment in the sector. Also, resources already...
Indonesia's government has traditionally placed high priority on the development of the education sector. Large-scale expansion of primary education is now complete, and demand for secondary education...
This paper examines international experience with student loans as a means of financing higher education, with particular reference to developing countries. Experience in developed countries shows that...