Forcibly displaced people, particularly women and girls, are at heightened risk for intimate partner violence (IPV) and face increased barriers to accessing prevention and response services. The recent...
El siguiente documento es un resumen ejecutivo del informe “Evaluación del marco de accesibilidad centrado en las sobrevivientes” (SAFE, por sus siglas en inglés), apoyado por el Fondo para la Construcción...
Although human mobility in Central America is driven by various factors (i.e., welfare differentials, vulnerability to crime, climate change impacts, and well-established social networks), gender-based...
The Survivor-centered Accessibility Framework Evaluation (SAFE), supported by the State and Peacebuilding Fund (SPF), comprehensively examines access barriers faced by women and girls in transit who are...
El informe SAFE, financiado por el Fondo para la Construcción de los Estados y la Consolidación de la Paz (SPF, por sus siglas en ingles), examina de manera integral las barreras de acceso que enfrentan...
The paper provides practical guidance on how the concept of resilience can be applied by SSI programming as well as Community and Local Development (CLD) work led by other global practices. Targeted primarily...
The development objective of the Road Sector Climate Resilience Program Series of Projects (SOP-1) for Bolivia is to enhance climate risk management in Bolivia’s road sector and improve climate resilience...
This Country Partnership Framework (CPF) presents the World Bank Group’s (WBG) strategy to support Cameroon’s Vision 2035 of becoming an emerging country, democratic and united in its diversity. As the...
This paper examines how an earthquake in Papua New Guinea changed people’s attitudes about and the prevalence of intimate partner violence. Although there are several reasons why disasters can aggravate...
The objective of the Secondary Cities Support Program is to strengthen institutional capacity for climate-informed urban growth management and urban infrastructure delivery and increase access to affordable...
The objective of the Second Additional Financing for the Third Phase of the Recurrent Cost and Reform Financing Project is to support the Federal Government of Somalia and Eligible Federal Member States...
Ratings for the Gender Based Violence Prevention and Response Project for Democratic Republic of Congo were as follows: outcomes were satisfactory, the Bank performance was satisfactory, and the monitoring...
Ratings for the Emergency Safety Nets Project for Sudan were as follows: outcomes were satisfactory, the Bank performance was satisfactory, and the monitoring and evaluation quality was high. Some lessons...
In 2012 and in 2018, the United Nations General Assembly adopted resolutions urging the international community to intensify global efforts to eliminate female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C). It also...
La violencia de género (VBG) representa un obstáculo fundamental para el desarrollo a nivel mundial. Al ser la manifestación más extrema de la desigualdad de género y la forma de violencia más prevalente...
Este informe resume los resultados de la asistencia técnica financiada por el Fondo Fiduciario Global del Banco Mundial, destinada a fortalecer el sistema de servicios y gestión de programas para abordar...
The objective of the Support to New Bolsa Familia Conditional Cash Transfer Program Project for Brazil is to protect the income of poor families with children from 0 to 6 years of age and mitigate risks...
The SOP program development objectives (PrDO) are to increase broadband access and usage in participating countries and to promote the establishment of a single digital market in Western Africa. There...
The development objective of Digital Inclusion Project is to support digital inclusion by expanding access to skills and employment opportunities in the digital economy. This project has three components...