Ratings for the Integrated Development and Competitiveness Project for Comoros were as follows: outcome and Bank performance was satisfactory, and monitoring and evaluation (M and E) quality was modest...
The economy has rebounded from external shocks induced by the pandemic, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and conflicts in the Middle East, although downside risks related to a complicated external financing...
This technical note examines the state of access to and use of financial services for micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in Lao PDR. Based on extensive interviews with key private and public...
The public procurement function plays a key role in meeting the strategic goal of the European Union (EU) to become the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world and to secure the...
International Finance Corporation (IFC) helps increase the availability and affordability of financial services for individuals and micro, small, and medium enterprises. At the end of fiscal year (FY)...
The development objective of the Small Industrial Estates Reconstruction and Regional Economic Recovery Project for Türkiye is to support the restoration and sustainability of micro, small, and medium...
The Myanmar firm monitoring survey (Round 17) was conducted from April 5, 2024, to May 5, 2024, encompassing a nationally representative sample of 500 firms. The survey spanned various areas of Myanmar...
The development objective of Building Beirut Businesses Back and Better (B5) Fund Project for Lebanon is to support the recovery of targeted micro and small enterprises (MSEs) and sustain the operations...
The development objective of the Sustainable Fisheries Development Badmaal Project for Somali is to improve the capacity of targeted communities and authorities to benefit from and effectively manage selected...
IFC is working to develop solutions to close the micro, small, and medium enterprise (MSME) financing gap, collaborating with 129 financial institutions (FIs) across 39 International Development Association...
Micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) represent ninety percent of businesses worldwide. Not only are they important drivers of employment, technological change, and social mobility. They are also...
The development objective of the Distributed Access Through Renewable Energy Scale-Up Project for Nigeria is to increase access to electricity services for households and micro, small, and medium-sized...
The productive use of electricity in rural communities can contribute to significant socioeconomic development and increased welfare. The virtuous cycle of productive use of electricity assumes that early...
The development objective of the First Boosting Inclusive Growth and Resilience Development Policy Financing with a Catastrophe-Deferred Drawdown Option for Benin is to support the government’s efforts...
The development objective of the Access to Sustainable Finance for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) Project for Argentina is to promote access to sustainable finance for MSMEs and to respond...