According to the information available and the thresholds established by World Health Organization (WHO)E, anemia is a public health problem among the most vulnerable groups in the Palestinian Territory...
In the Palestinian Territories, micronutrient deficiencies remain a public health problem despite all efforts to improve nutritional status. The most recent national micronutrient survey, the Palestinian...
Ratings for the Nutrition Project are as follows: Outcome was satisfactory, Risk to development outcome was moderate, M&E Quality was substantial, Bank performance was moderately satisfactory, and Borrower...
At the start of the new millennium, malnutrition in Senegal was a major concern. Nearly one in every three children under five years were stunted, one in ten were wasted, and two in ten were underweight...
The Nutrition Project for Ethiopia was rated satisfactory with moderate risk to development outcome. Both the Bank and the Borrower’s performances were rated moderately satisfactory. The project was restructured...
The objective of the Nutrition Project (FY08) for Ethiopia is to improve child and maternal care behavior, and increase utilization of key micronutrients, in order to contribute to improving the nutritional...
The authors investigate the relationship between calories, food quality, and household per capita expenditure using regression and semi-parametric methods on a sample of poor households from rural Mexico...
This press release announces that the Board of Executive Directors of the World Bank approved thirty million US dollars grant in support of the government’s efforts to attain the goals of the National...
The objectives of the Nutrition Project in Ethiopia are: to improve child and maternal care behavior, and increase utilization of key micronutrients, in order to contribute to improving the nutritional...
Micronutrient deficiency undermines the potential of billions of people worldwide, limiting both their physical and mental growth during the vital years of childhood. It has rarely featured as a priority...
Mild to moderate protein-energy malnutrition (PEM) is prevalent throughout the developing world. Children are particularly susceptible with malnutrition contributing significantly to adverse outcomes such...