Social safety nets are among the most widely studied interventions. More than 15,000 studies published between 2000 and 2024. There have been over 50 systematic reviews summarizing impact studies. There...
Les filets de sécurité sociale sont parmi les interventions les plus étudiées. Plus de 15 000 études publiées entre 2000 et 2024. Il y a eu plus de 50 revues systématiques résumant les études d’impact...
The development objectives of Investing in Social Protection for Inclusion, Resilience, and Efficiency Project for Ukraine are: (i) contribute to the sustainable provision of social assistance to vulnerable...
The report on the indexation of benefits within the adaptive social protection (ASP) framework underscores the importance of linking cash transfers to inflation to maintain their adequacy amidst changing...
This overview report focuses on the social protection expenditure review for Mali. It focuses on the following: Social Protection Institutional overview; Adaptive Social Protection institutional overview;...
This report reviews the main social protection programs in Mali. It covers social insurance, social assistance and labour market programs.
The development objective of Second Identity and Targeting for Social Protection Project for Morocco is to support the expansion of the coverage of the Digital Civil and Social Identifier (DCSID) for the...
The Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP) was initiated in 2008 in Pakistan to aid the poor and vulnerable, particularly in response to the global financial crisis. The National Socio-Economic Registry...
Ratings of LISUNGI Safety Nets System Project for Congo, Republic of were as follows: outcome was satisfactory, Bank performance was satisfactory, and monitoring and evaluation quality was substantial...
Opći je cilj podržati Ministarstvo rada, mirovinskog sustava, obitelji i socijalne politike (MLPSFSP) u razvoju metodologije za redovito praćenje siromaštva i socijalne isključenosti na razini NUTS 3 ili...
This paper strives to explain the disconnect between lessons from research literature and the relative rigidity of state-building approaches by practitioners attempting post-war reconstruction in fragile...
This is a statement by Carlo Monticelli regarding the 110th Meeting of the Development Committee, which was held on October 25, 2024. The Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB) welcomes the World Bank’s...
Europska unija (EU) dosljedno prepoznaje ključni izazov koji predstavlja siromaštvo i socijalna isključenost te oblikuje sveobuhvatne strategije i izdvaja znatna financijska sredstva kako bi pristupila...
Internal migration. characterized by the movement of people within national borders, is a significant and growing phenomenon, with an estimated 763 million internal migrants globally as Of 2013, and 71.1...
This document collection focuses on enhancing the effectiveness of social policy initiatives. It explores methods for improving the monitoring of poverty and social programs, emphasizing the importance...
Afghanistan NGO/CSO Capacity Support Project (NCCSP) - Addendum : Technical Note to the Management Letter
A Cumulative Impact Assessment (CIA) is a multi-step process that analyzes and estimates the total sum of the direct and indirect impacts of proposed activities on the environment, and on communities...
The objective of this paper is to summarize analysis conducted to provide inputs to the Hybrid Social Protection Scheme (HSPS) pilot. Following the analysis conducted, the Benazir Income Support Program...