In recent decades, hurricane frequency and intensity have increased in the Caribbean basin. From 2000 to 2012, more than 100 hurricanes impacted lives, infrastructure, gross domestic product, and natural...
The report presents tabular and graphical presentation of: windstorm and flood affected municipalities in Dominican Republic 2001 - 2012; main model; main model - clustering; main model - other tested...
Target area context: Kariba district is unique in Zimbabwe, in that it comprises two distinct administrative areas, Kariba Urban and Kariba Rural. Kariba Urban (i.e. Kariba town) is the official District...
This paper evaluates whether mangroves can mitigate the impact of hurricanes on economic activity. The paper assembles a new, regionwide panel data set that measures local economic activity using nightlights...
The main objective of the work is to study the experience of reforestation, the restoration ofwindblows of 2016 and the development of recommendations for improving the work and increasingthe resistance...
The main objective of the work is to study the experience of reforestation, the restoration ofwindblows of 2016 and the development of recommendations for improving the work and increasingthe resistance...
Central America is particularly prone to tropical storms and hurricanes. The prevailing conditions of poverty and socioeconomic inequality in most countries of the region make their exposed population...
In the past decades, natural disasters have caused substantial human and economic losses in Central America, with strong adverse impacts on gross domestic product per capita, income, and poverty reduction...
The present report is intended as a technical, organizational and financial summary of the feasibility study to review options and to make decisions on whether or not this program meets the needs of the...
This study comprises a review of government post-disaster safety nets as well as those provided by the private insurance market in four countries of Central Europe, namely the Czech Republic, Hungary...
Reinsurance is a financial transaction by which risk is transferred from an insurance company to a reinsurance company in exchange of a payment (reinsurance premium). Providers of reinsurance are professional...
The price of catastrophe risks is viewed by many to be too high and/or too volatile. Catastrophe risk practitioners point out that, contrary to standard insurance, such as automobile insurance, catastrophe...
The Wind Energy Resource Atlas of Southeast Asia covers four countries: Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, and Vietnam. The purpose of the atlas is to facilitate the development of wind energy both for utility-scale...
Projections of import demand for bananas for 18 importing countries and calculations of banana exports of 24 exporting countries, are made. One of the most important characteristics of bananas from an...