This paper provides a framework for analyzing the efficiency and equity of survivor benefit programs. These programs were originally designed to support families when the main wage-earner died, in an era...
This paper asserts that the disability insurance system in Chile is much less well-known than the pension part, but it is equally innovative. It differs from traditional public disability insurance in...
What is the most cost-effective way to organize individual accounts that are part of a mandatory social security system? Defined-contribution individual account components of social security systems are...
Pension reforms normally focus on the accumulation phase, plus term insurance that provides bnefits for the disabled and for dependent survivors, all of which are immediate concerns. Decumulation of the...
Most countries reforming their pension system, focus more on the accumulation phase, than on the decumulation (pay-out), because the number of beneficiaries is likely to be small initially, especially...
Encounter with a millennium baby, by Edward Whitehouse. Survivors' guide to pension reform. Facts about Poland. New old-age pension system in Poland, by Marek Gora and Michal Rutkowski. Recipe of success...
Most old people in developing countries are uninsured by formal social security programs. Economic growth is the key to increased coverage, but policy also matters, argues the author. Contributory insurance...
Promoting efficient rural financial intermediation, by Jacob Yaron, McDonald Benjamin, and Stephanie Charitonenko. The role of long-term finance : theory and evidence, by Gerard Caprio, Jr. and Asli Demirguc-Kunt...
The escalating costs of traditional social security systems are forcing countries to reevaluate the formal programs that provide income maintenance support to the aging. This article suggests a reform...
In the past decade, Latin America has taken the lead in structural pension reform which replaces a publicly managed pay-as-you-go defined-benefit system with a system of privately managed, fully funded...
The author summarizes the major findings and recommendations in Averting the Old Age Crisis, describing problems in traditional pension systems and proposals for reform. Then she describes how those reforms...
Developing countries have been quite successful at expanding school enrollment, especially at lower levels. But for any given level of educational efficiency, increased enrollments require inreased resources...
The current social security systems in many OECD countries were adopted before World War II, when private financial markets were underdeveloped or in disrepute. They expanded sharply in the 1950s and 1960s...
The proportion of students enrolled in private rather than public schools varies greatly among countries. The author tries to explain (1) the systematically higher proportion of enrollment in private schools...
A large and growing proportion of the world's population is old; the elderly are often poor; and many countries face huge fiscal burdens because of promises they have made to give their older citizens...
The authors present a case for user charges and some privatization of health care in developing countries. They demonstrate that - consistent with public choice theory - government actions in the health...
This paper surveys the wide range of public policies toward private education that are found in a sample of 35 developed and developing countries. Private schools in developing countries tend to be less...
This paper examines the private - public division of responsibility for education across countries at different levels of economic development. The evidence suggests that in most developing countries private...
This paper examines the private - public division of responsibility for education across countries at different levels of economic development. The evidence suggests that in most developing countries private...