The provision and access to quality employment opportunities, especially for women and youth, is instrumental in achieving inclusive growth and more effective development outcomes. However, women and youth...
The economic empowerment of forcibly displaced women (FDW) can contribute to greater resilience and improved livelihoods for both displaced people and host communities. The Mashreq gender facility (MFG)...
This report provides an up-to-date, holistic reference on the state of women in Lebanon against the broader perspective of general development outcomes while taking into consideration the multiple crises...
This report provides an up-to-date, holistic reference on the state of women in Lebanon against the broader perspective of general development outcomes while taking into consideration the multiple crises...
The report is organized as follows. After a brief description of the analytical framing and methodology in section two, section three presents the history and demographics of the labor market in Sudan...
The report is organized as follows. After a brief description of the analytical framing and methodology in section two, section three presents the history and demographics of the labor market in Sudan...
The Government of Jordan has strengthened its commitment in recent years to gender equality and women's social and economic empowerment through Jordan's Renaissance Plan 2019-2020 and more recently through...
The Government of Jordan has strengthened its commitment in recent years to gender equality and women’s social and economic empowerment through Jordan’s Renaissance Plan 2019-2020 and more recently through...
The analysis presented in this study points to persistent and high numbers in Georgia and Armenia of youth who are jobless and/or economically inactive and with limited access to learning and/or training...
Favorable global economic conditions supported a turnaround in economic activity in Sub-Saharan Africa in 2017, easing pressure on weak policy frameworks. Output growth rebounded to an estimated 2.6 percent...
Progress towards gender equality in the Middle East and North Africa (MNA) region is a descriptive note on progress and gaps towards gender equality and women’s empowerment in the region, produced to provide...
This note aims to provide information and analysis as a basis for a better understanding of the challenges and constraints of achieving gender equality in Bolivia, with a special focus on the intersectionality...
In 2013 the World Bank set itself two ambitious goals: to end extreme poverty within a generation and to boost the prosperity of the bottom 40 percent of the population worldwide. In Latin America, the...
In 2013 the World Bank set itself two ambitious goals: to end extreme poverty within a generation and to boost the prosperity of the bottom 40 percent of the population worldwide. In Latin America, the...
In 2013 the World Bank set itself two ambitious goals: to end extreme poverty within a generation and to boost the prosperity of the bottom 40 percent of the population worldwide. In Latin America, the...
This note aims to provide information and analysis as a basis for a better understanding of the challenges and constraints of achieving gender equality in Bolivia, with a special focus on the intersectionality...
Effective policy making hinges on information - information that guides governments as to whether they are doing the right things, the right way, and how they might be done better. Strong Monitoring And...
The Latin American and Caribbean region has made significant progress in some basic indicators of gender equality (access to education and health services and female labor force participation) and lags...