This study uses the Ethiopia Skills Profile Survey (2017) to examine the gender differences in livelihood opportunities and activities between refugees and host communities. The results show a significant...
Displacement and conflict substantially heighten the risk of gender-based violence including intimate partner violence (IPV), experienced by women and girls. This study aims to examine the links between...
A large body of literature studies the relationship between corruption and economic outcomes, including government revenue mobilization, but there is little evidence on how this relationship changes during...
The experience of development, as well as understandings of and responses to it, are uniquely rendered via popular culture generally, and popular music. Music has been a medium of choice through which...
Improving rural credit markets requires a good understanding of the root causes of market failures and taking necessary steps to address them. This paper investigates the role of productivity shocks in...
Effective social protection is increasingly as essential to supporting affected populations in situations of protracted instability and displacement. Despite the growing use of social protection in these...
he methods used to identify the beneficiaries of programs aiming to address persistent poverty and shocks are subject to frequent policy debates. Relying on panel data from Niger, this report simulates...
Through three decades of conflict, food rations delivered through the public distribution system (PDS) have remained the largest safety net among Iraq’s population. Reforming the PDS continues to be politically...
The authors contribute to the technology, skills and jobs debate by exploiting a novel dataset for Chilean firms between 2007 and 2013, with information on the firms’ adoption of complex software used...
This survey reviews the current state of the economic literature, assessing the impact of transportinvestments and policies on growth, inclusion, and sustainability in a developing country context. It...
Global, national and local policies and programs for agricultural development arerecurrently justified based on their alleged role in improving food and nutrition security.However, strikingly little evidence...
Using a panel survey, this paper investigates how food price increase in Pakistan in 2008–2010affects children’s school enrollment and labor. The causal identification relies on thegeographical variations...
This paper estimates the impact of informality on profits using a new survey administered to 1,200 firms with less than 50 employees in four cities in Ecuador. The paper presents a novel definition of...
The authors examine the impacts of accountability-based public per-student subsidies provided to low-cost private schools in Punjab, Pakistan on student enrollment and school inputs. Program entry is contingent...
Community based livelihood interventions, which focus directly on increasing income and employment, have become an increasingly important component of large-scale poverty reduction programs. The authors...
Roughly 60 percent of Africans lack access to electricity, negatively impacting development opportunities. Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) have started promoting distributed generation, small-scale...
This paper evaluates the effect of armed conflict on years of schooling in Cote d'Ivoire. The authors combine differences in conflict intensity across departments and differences across age cohorts to...
The authors contribute to the debate on the spatial allocation of infrastructure investments by examining where these investments generate the highest economic return (spatial efficiency), and identifying...
The authors report on a project to explore empirical patterns in risk, shocks and risk management using recent household surveys with risk modules from 16 different developing countries. Natural disasters...
This paper examines two education programs in Sri Lanka, the program for school improvement (PSI), which decentralizes decision-making power, and the school report card program (SRCP), which was designed...