Around the world, basic education fails to equip many young people with the essential skills needed for employability in a 21st century job market. Almost half of students in low- and middle-income countries...
A challenging macroeconomic situation, limited fiscal space, and extreme poverty constrain governments’ capacity to increase investments in education and other critical sectors. While the overall fiscal...
How can countries make sustainable gains in student learning at scale? This is a pressing question for Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) – and the developing world more broadly, as countries seek to...
In the framework of the country’s Education Quality Improvement Project, the World Bank carried out a survey to diagnose the state of primary education in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The service...
Achieving gender equity in educational attainment, necessary for DRC’s human capital and poverty reduction agenda, will require prioritizing investments in secondary that target girls in underserved provinces...
This report provides a snapshot of the gender gap in access and quality of basic education in DRC, how it has evolved over time and how it varies within the country. Over the past two decades, enrollment...
This report identifies both supply and demand side constraints associated with gender gaps in access to education and learning outcomes, with a special focus on the quality of service delivery, safety...
Across many low- and middle-income countries, a sizable share of young people drop out of school before completing a full course of basic education. Early warning systems that accurately identify students...
How can countries make sustainable gains in student learning at scale? This is a pressing question for Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) – and the developing world more broadly, as countries seek to...
The development objectives of Education Quality Improvement Project for Democratic Republic of Congo are to: (a) improve quality of learning in primary education; and (b) strengthen sector management...
The Results in Education for All Children (REACH) Trust Fund at the World Bank provided funding to the Government of Haiti with the goal of establishing the preconditions for the adoption of RBF in the...
Results-based financing (RBF) has the potential to transform how education systems operate, and the types of results they achieve for children the world over. As a financing instrument, RBF shows much...
Across Latin America, school dropout is a growing concern, because of its negative social and economic consequences. Although a wide range of interventions hold potential to reduce dropout rates, policy...